1000 Manifesto List

The world’s best list of manifestos!

There I said it. This is my big goal.

Our blog posts will consist entirely of manifestos we’ve found, created or you’ve submitted. We’re counting to 1000. And, on this page we’ll list them out so you can find them more easily. Also, search for blog post categories or tags, and use the search button on the menu bar.

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The 1000 Manifesto List has been curated by Geoff McDonald.

Inspiring! The World's Best Manifesto List - over 200! #manifesto Share on X

1000 Manifesto List

  1. The Manifesto Manifesto by Geoff McDonald
  2. Apple: We Are the Crazy Ones
  3. Martin Luther King: I have a Dream
  4. US Declaration of Independence
  5. John F Kennedy: Man on the Moon
  6. Yvonne Rainer: No Manifesto
  7. Christopher Richards: The Slow Movement
  8. Platform 21: The Repair Manifesto
  9. Timothy Ferris: The Four Hour Work Week
  10. Australia Institute: Wellbeing Manifesto
  11. Agile Software Development
  12. Ainslie Hunter: Courses That Matter
  13. Charlie Sheen: Life Manifesto
  14. Holly and David Combs: Ban Comic Sans
  15. Charlie King’s New Rules of Golf Instruction
  16. Marinetti’s Futurist Manifesto
  17. Architectural Centre Manifesto
  18. Chris Guillebeau, The Art of Non-Conformity
  19. Bre Pettis and Kio Stark: The Cult of Done
  20. Google: Ten Things We Know To Be True
  21. The Russell – Einstein Manifesto
  22. Mark Sisson: Primal Blueprint
  23. The Holy Bible
  24. Lululemon Athletica
  25. Genesis: The Bible’s Creation Story
  26. Marx and Engels: The Communist Manifesto
  27. The Bible’s Ten Commandments
  28. Clare Lancaster: Women in Business
  29. The Cheap Art Manifesto
  30. The Green Living Manifesto
  31. The Open Cloud Computing Manifesto
  32. Manifesto For Competitive Sport
  33. The Filmmakers Vow of Chastity
  34. Nike: Not Without a Fight
  35. Atlassian – Corporate Values
  36. Five Sentences
  37. Diego Villaveces: Personal Manifesto
  38. The Cluetrain Manifesto
  39. Cycle Sports Manifesto: Vaughter’s 10 Point Plan
  40. Cycle Sports Magazine: Challenge to Team Owners
  41. John Lennon: Imagine
  42. Bob Dylan: Hurricane
  43. Helen Reddy: I Am Woman
  44. Dead Poet’s Society
  45. Easy Rider
  46. A Design Education Manifesto
  47. Michael Margolis: Believe Me Story Manifesto
  48. Helen Macdonald, We Are the Optimists
  49. Chris Curnow, The Excellence Manifesto
  50. Ian Berry, Changing What’s Normal Manifesto
  51. Allison Nazarian, Love Your Mess
  52. Sally Mabelle: Truth, Trust and Intimacy
  53. Shepard Fairey: Obama Hope Poster
  54. Kim Mok: The Manifesto Manifesto
  55. Ngahihi O Te Ra Bidois
  56. Geoff’s Manifesto for 1000 Manifestos
  57. Alina Tugend: The Mistake Manifesto
  58. Rob Walling: The Micropreneur Manifesto
  59. British National Party: Scottish Election Manifesto
  60. Renewable UK Cymru: Renewable Energy Manifesto
  61. Leo Babauta: Simple Living Manifesto
  62. Quilters Buzz: Quilters’ Manifesto
  63. The Yoga Liberation Yoga Manifesto
  64. Cauchy Complete: Scrappy Quilt Manifesto
  65. Shawna Malvini Redden, Wedding Manifesto
  66. Marvin Gaye: What’s Going On
  67. Stanford Design School: Napkin Manifesto
  68. Mike Mills: Human’s Manifesto
  69. Jeremy Samuel: The Birthday Manifesto
  70. Mozilla: The Mozilla Manifesto
  71. Chris Tolworthy: Game Manifesto
  72. Simple Shoes Manifesto
  73. Bruce Mau: Incomplete Manifesto for Growth
  74. Kallman Family Manifesto
  75. Joseph Jaffe: The Customer Service Manifesto
  76. Holstee Manifesto: This Is Your Life
  77. Pirate Press: No Google Manifesto
  78. Manifestos for Publicity Officer
  79. Nick Legan: The Cycling Mechanics Manifesto
  80. John Schumann: I Was Only 19
  81. Ted Kaczynski: The Unabomber Manifesto
  82. Woodland Trust: The Forest Manifesto
  83. Michael Widenius: The Hacking Business Model
  84. The Greatist Health and Fitness Manifesto
  85. Jeff Gailus: The Grizzly Manifesto
  86. Dmitri Shapir: The Anti-Facebook Manifesto
  87. Stephen Johnson: The Third Place Manifesto
  88. Matt Sweeney: The Geek Culture Manifesto
  89. Michael Tunison: The Football Fan’s Manifesto
  90. Greg Costikyan: The Scratchware Manifesto
  91. The October Manifesto
  92. The Cloud Appreciation Society Manifesto
  93. The Vogma Manifesto
  94. The Euston Manifesto
  95. Community Engine: Culture, People and Core Values
  96. Bobby McFerrin: Don’t Worry, Be Happy
  97. Rose Tattoo: We Can’t Be Beaten
  98. John Farnham: You’re The Voice
  99. Jodie Benveniste: Parent Wellbeing
  100. Jeremy Samuel: Social Media Engagement Manifesto
  101. Upstart Investing: Financial Manifesto
  102. Hannah Samuel: The 10 Commandments of Reputation Branding
  103. Les Miserables: Do You Hear the People Sing?
  104. Gerald Holtom: Peace Symbol
  105. Milton Glaser: I Love New York
  106. Australian Flag
  107. AusFlag: A New Australian Flag
  108. Hindu Swastika
  109. Nazi Swastika
  110. Harvey Ball: Smiley Face
  111. Ban the ‘R’ Word
  112. LuluSec and Anonymous: Operation Anti-Security
  113. Andrew Castronovo: The Superfood Manifesto
  114. Manifesto for Software Craftsmanship
  115. Emilie Wapnick: UnDeclared For Life Manifesto
  116. Ardagh and Hendricks: The Manifesto for Conscious Man
  117. Cole and Allen: The Manifesto for Conscious Woman
  118. Patterson Stark: The 100 and Sexy Manifesto
  119. Midnight Oil: Beds Are Burnings
  120. Quigley and Baghaic: As One Manifesto
  121. E.O. Wilson: Encyclopedia of Life
  122. Brad Garlinghouse: The Peanut Butter Manifesto
  123. The Blackberry Manifesto
  124. Christopher Carfi: The Social Customer Manifesto
  125. Dave LeBlanc: The Architecture Lover’s Manifesto
  126. Jeffrey Baumgartner: An Innovation Manifesto For All
  127. Lauren Viera: The Veggie Burger Manifesto
  128. Haydn Shaughnessy: The New Work Manifesto
  129. Dave Gilmore: The Summer Softball Manifesto
  130. The Character Education Manifesto
  131. Mat Robar: The Wanna Be Surf Bum Manifesto
  132. Icograda: Design Education Manifesto
  133. Jonathan Heawood: A New Manifesto For Media Ethics
  134. Frank Lloyd Wright: Apprentice Manifesto
  135. Barbara Hannah Grufferman: The Ten Commandments of Turning 50
  136. Frank Catalano: The Practical Nerd Manifesto
  137. 37 Signals Manifesto
  138. Vancouver Greenest City in the World 2020
  139. Junket Studies: 11 Rules of Writing, Grammar, and Punctuation
  140. Yvonne Collier: Manifesto For Life
  141. Dr Alan Goldman: A Toxic Leader Manifesto
  142. The Ten Golden Rules of Lomography
  143. Got Funny: The 36 Rules of Life
  144. AskMen.com Timeless Dating Rules
  145. Stephen R Covey: Seven Habits of Highly Effective People
  146. Microsoft: 10 Immutable Laws of Security
  147. W. Bruce Cameron: 8 Simple Rules For Dating My Teenage Daughter
  148. Napoleon Hill: Laws of Success
  149. A Secular Humanist Manifesto
  150. Seth Godin: Unforgivable Manifesto
  151. Cal Newport: The Career Craftsman Manifesto
  152. Arthur D Little: Innovation Manifesto
  153. Aaron Swartz: The Guerilla Open Access Manifesto
  154. Jurgen Wolff: The Creativity Success Manifesto
  155. Matthew Kimberly: Get a Grip
  156. Brian Johnson: Five Rules For Life
  157. Miyamoto Musahi : 21 Rules To Live Your Life
  158. Dr Phil McGraw: Ten Life Laws
  159. Sue Polinsky: 10 Rules For Your Small Business Home Page
  160. Leonie Wise: Manifesto
  161. Zappos: Core Values Frog!
  162. Eric Raymond: The Cathedral and the Bazaar
  163. Relenta: The Simple CRM Manifesto
  164. Alex Ostrowski: The Yellow Manifesto
  165. Yellow Warriors Society of the Philipines: Yellow Manifesto
  166. Aline de Carvalho: The Blue Manifesto
  167. Blue Gym Manifesto
  168. Council of Fashion Designers of America: Design Manifesto
  169. John Robertson: Open Educational Resources Manifesto
  170. Jo Beth Richards: Mantras and Manifestos
  171. Gary Nabhan: A Terroir-ist’s Manifesto for Eating in Place
  172. Trevor Boddy: HybridCity
  173. Paul B Farrell: 20 Rule Manifesto for New No-Growth Economics
  174. Asia Pulp and Paper Group: Paper Contract with China
  175. Craig Robertson: I Believe – My Personal Foundation
  176. Mark Lieberman: TV’s No-Freeloader Manifesto
  177. David G Cohen: The Mentor Manifesto 
  178. The Stranger: Increased Bike and Pedestrian Safety
  179. Robbin Phillips: Personal Manifesto
  180. Andrew Hanelly: Just Another SEO Manifesto
  181. Nancy Scott: Helping My Friends Manifesto
  182. Royal Yachting Association: Guiding Principles Manifesto
  183. Julian Assange: The Wikileaks Manifesto
  184. Green Party of Ontario: Five-point Manifesto
  185. Velocity Partners: B2B Marketing Manifesto
  186. Gala Darling: The Radical Self Love Manifesto
  187. John R: My Mini Manifesto For Volunteer Management
  188. A Manifesto for Regime Change on Behalf of All Humanity
  189. The Science Code Manifesto
  190. The Occupy Wall Street Manifesto
  191. Peter Armstrong: The Lean Publishing Manifesto
  192. Tony Isabella: A Comic-Book Manifesto
  193. Greg Strosaker: The Running Manifesto
  194. Wikibon Community: Big Data Manifesto
  195. Geeks Are Sexy: Facebook Etiquette Manifesto
  196. Jamie Oliver: Feed Me Even Better
  197. Mike Markkula: The Apple Marketing Philosophy
  198. Birdsong Gregory Manifesto
  199. Declaration of the Occupation of New York City
  200. Michael Jackson and Lionel Richie: We Are The World
  201. Flying Solo: The Solo, Micro and Small Business Manifesto
  202. Geoff McDonald: The Expert Manifesto
  203. Brian Shiro: Astronaut Hopefuls Manifesto
  204. Sebastian Terry: 100 Things
  205. Dave Bruno: The 100 Thing Challenge
  206. Nadia: Yes Manifesto
  207. Lori Deschene – Five Rules for Life
  208. Dr Jordan B Peterson – The Most Valuable Things Everyone Should Know
  209. Dr Jordan B Peterson – The 12 Rules of Life
  210. Todd Henry – Die Empty
  211. Academic Slow Food Manifesto
  212. Lebbeus Woods, Slow Manifesto
  213. Mark Grant – Manifesto for Smarter Working
  214. Google: AI Principles
  215. Derek Sivers: A New Kind of Entrepreneur
  216. Paul Roos: 25 Points to Success
  217. Adolf Hitler: Mein Kampf
  218. Gordon Gecko: Greed is Good
  219. The Tough Mudder Pledge
  220. Geelong Football Club – Theme Song
  221. FRESH Speakers – Manifesto
  222. James Naismith – The 13 Rules of Basketball
  223. The Hate U Give
  224. James Altucher – The 20 Habits of Eventual Millionaires
  225. Black Panther – 10 Point Program
  226. UN Sustainable Development Goals
  227. The Eight Virtues of Bushido
  228. Fader and Toms – Customer Centricity Manifesto
  229. I Fix It – Repair Manifesto
  230. Outdoor Photography School Manifesto
  231. The Might Could Social Media Manifesto
  232. Emily McDowell – Let’s Get Real Manifesto
  233. The Slow Clothing Manifesto
  234. Remote Year Values
  235. Nutiva Real Food Manifesto
  236. Acumen Poverty Manifesto
  237. AECOM Brilliant Cities
  238. Brilliant City Sydney Manifesto
  239. Ten Commandments of Chivalry
  240. Opted Out Life Manifesto
  241. Gihan Perera – Nine Things Successful Leaders Do Now
  242. Wikipedia Five Pillars
  243. Easy Jet Customer Charter
  244. Apple Corporate Values
  245. UNEP Positive Impact Manifesto
  246. Four Pillars Gin
  247. The Embedded Metadata Manifesto
  248. Luanne Tierney – 12 Strategies to Prepare Yourself for the Future
  249. Qantas Customer Charter
  250. The Seven Rules of Done
  251. Manifesto for a Fashion Revolution
  252. Universal Declaration of Human Rights
  253. Bernadette Jiwa – Love Note to Entrepreneurs
  254. Frog Design Manifesto
  255. Startup Manifesto
  256. My Manifesto
  257. Conservative Party Election Manifesto 2019
  258. Rackspace Core Values
  259. ALL DIGITAL Manifesto
  260. MCA Creative Learning Manifesto
  261. Microsoft Carbon Negative Pledge 2030
  262. Michael Pollan – Food Rules
  263. The Five Pillars of Islam
  264. Don Miguel Ruiz – The Four Agreements
  265. Sister Corita Kent – Ten Rules for Students and Teachers
  266. The Laws of Cricket
  267. Studio Co-Creative: Anti-Marketing Manifesto
  268. Suzanne Mercier: Purpose to Profit
  269. Croxford Consulting Manifesto

Almost there… only 731 to go.

Do you have a manifesto within you or one that you’d love to add to the 1000 Manifesto List? This is your chance to share it on this site. Drop us a line on our contact form.

Thanks for your part in creating a world that works for everyone!

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