Bernadette Jiwa is a storytelling expert who has published eight #1 Amazon Bestsellers.
To motivate, inspire and encourage entrepreneurs.

A Love Note to Entrepreneurs
Don’t wait for permission
Change something you care about
Touch one person
Make a difference to a handful
Launch ideas form the heart
Build a legacy, not just an empire
Keep your values front and center
Understand why you’re doing this
Remember, it doesn’t have to matter to everyone
Learn how to see the world as it isn’t
Allow possibility to feed your soul
Embrace failure alongside success
Make people your inspiration
Let passion be your master
Make meaning your currency
Never allow fear to get in your way
Know the questions to ask
Don’t be afraid of the answers
If you do anything today, would ‘THIS’ be it?
If not this, then what?
Manifestos come in many different forms.
Many are declarations about what the author wants or aspires to. This might fit that category, albeit in disguise.
Other manifestos are a call to arms to other people. This one definitely fits that – it’s a call to entrepreneurs to keep going.
It stands out because of it’s soft touch – it’s not a set of commandments or rules or even principles. Instead, it’s offered with kindness and love.
Derek Sivers – A New Kind of Entrepreneur