Diego Villaveces: Personal Manifesto

Diego - Personal Manifesto

Creator: Diego ‘The Crazy Columbian’ Villaveces.

Purpose: A collection of core values, thoughts and aspirations to get the life that you deserve.


Personal Manifesto: A Walk Along My Garden’s Path

1 I seek balance

2 I yearn for connection

3 I settle for excellence

4 I aim to serve

5 I’ll be there for you

6 Kindness is my currency

7 I support growth


Video and Website: http://crazycolombian.com/mymanifesto/

The Green Living Manifesto

The Green Living Manifesto

Creators: Greg Searle with Geof Syphers, Rodney Wilts and Geneva Guerin

Purpose: To promote green lifestyles over grey lifestyles.


The Green Living Manifesto – Self-Evident Truths

1. Communities are people, not buildings.

2. Communities will change when the people living in them change.

3. At least half of human impact on the planet comes from our lifestyles – the choices we make every day. Where, and how, we travel. What we eat. What we wear. The stuff we buy, and how we get rid of that stuff when we’re done with it.

4. These lifestyle choices are not made in a vacuum. They are made in communities, and are influenced by community design and buildings.

5. The way we’ve designed our cities and buildings in the past has created a template for living that most people follow without much thought, and that template makes it inconvenient to live sustainably.

6. Those of us who plan, design, finance, insure, build, sell, lease, manage and maintain the places we live in have tremendous influence to change this template, and to make it easier for people to change their lifestyles.

7. Some of us have been pre-occupied with making buildings, streets, and infrastructure that use building materials, water, and energy in smarter ways. We call ourselves “green professionals”. We call our movement the “green building movement.” But we now recognize that the biggest problems are fundamentally social ones.

8. Since buildings and technology represent only half of the problem and half of the solution, clearly the present green building movement doesn’t go far enough

9. All across our cities, entrepreneurs and environmental groups are emerging with solutions to specific challenges of our unsustainable lifestyles – car-sharing companies, local food advocates, re-use innovators. But most of these green lifestyle initiatives are not joined up with the green building movement, or each other.

10. We urgently need an umbrella movement that will bring us all together to create and operate truly sustainable communities with intent. The time has come to apply the vast ingenuity of the green building movement to making green lifestyles just as convenient as “grey lifestyles”. The time has come to broaden our design teams, to bring green lifestyle experts to the table.

11. We cannot wait for someone else to bring us all together. We are the ones we have been waiting for.


Complete Manifesto: http://www.greenmanifesto.org/

Mark Sisson: Primal Blueprint

Mark Sisson: Primal Blueprint

Creator: Mark Sission
Purpose: A challenge to conventional wisdom for getting fit quickly and maintaining your strength, fitness, leanness and health well into your 70’s, 80’s and beyond.


Ten Primal Laws

1.    Eat lots of animals, insects and plants
2.    Move around a lot at a slow pace
3.    Lift heavy things
4.    Run really fast every once in a while
5.    Get lots of sleep
6.    Play
7.    Get some sunlight every day
8.    Avoid trauma
9.    Avoid poisonous things
10.    Use your mind


Primal Blueprint ebook: http://www.marksdailyapple.com/definitive-guide-primal-blueprint/

Bre Pettis and Kio Stark: The Cult of Done


Bre Pettis and Kio Stark


To get things done!


The Cult of Done

1.    There are three states of being. Not knowing, action and completion.
2.    Accept that everything is a draft. It helps to get it done.
3.    There is no editing stage.
4.    Pretending you know what you’re doing is almost the same as knowing what you are doing, so just accept that you know what you’re doing even if you don’t and do it.
5.    Banish procrastination. If you wait more than a week to get an idea done, abandon it.
6.    The point of being done is not to finish but to get other things done.
7.    Once you’re done you can throw it away.
8.    Laugh at perfection. It’s boring and keeps you from being done.
9.    People without dirty hands are wrong. Doing something makes you right.
10.    Failure counts as done. So do mistakes.
11.    Destruction is a variant of done.
12.    If you have an idea and publish it on the internet, that counts as a ghost of done.
13.    Done is the engine of more.


Website: http://www.brepettis.com/blog/2009/3/3/the-cult-of-done-manifesto.html

Chris Guillebeau: The Art of Non-Conformity

Chris Guillebeau: The Art of Non-Conformity

Creator: Chris Guillebeau, Fighter of the Status Quo
Purpose: Live life on your terms whilst making a positive difference in the lives of others at the same time.


The Art of Non-Conformity

  1. Set Your Own Rules
  2. Live the Life You Want
  3. Change the World


  1. You must be open to new ideas
  2. You must be dissatisfied with the Status Quo
  3. You must be willing to Take Personal Responsbility
  4. You must be willing to Work hard

11 Ways to Be Unremarkably Average

  1. Accept what people tell you at face value.
  2. Don’t question authority.
  3. Go to college because you’re supposed to, not because you want to learn something.
  4. Go overseas once or twice in your life, to somewhere safe like England.
  5. Don’t try to learn another language, everyone else will eventually learn English.
  6. Think about starting your own business, but never do it.
  7. Think about writing a book, but never do it.
  8. Get the largest mortgage you qualify for and spend 30 years paying for it.
  9. Sit at a desk 40 hours a week for an average of 10 hours of productive work.
  10. Don’t stand out or draw attention to yourself.
  11. Jump through hoops. Check off boxes.


Website: http://chrisguillebeau.com/
Pdf Download: A Brief Guide to World Domination
Book: Chris Guillebeau, The Art of Non-Conformity, Perigee, New York, 2010, Page 9

Charlie Sheen’s Life Manifesto

Charlie Sheen's Life Manifesto

Creator: Charlie Sheen
Purpose: You choose…To create a new future, to make a public spectacle of yourself or just a public rant.


11 Point Life Manifesto

1. No panic. No judgement.
2. Leave marriage to the amateurs and the Bible grippers.
3. Don’t stress the fools and trolls who lay down with their ugly wives in front of their ugly children and look at their ugly lives.
4. You have the right to kill, but you do not have the right to judge.
5. Don’t give interviews. Leave warnings.
6. Either love, or hate. But you must do so violently.
7. Hate everybody that’s not in your family because they are there to destroy you and they will come at you in all forms and shapes.
8. Don’t live in the middle. That’s where you get slaughtered. Where you get embarrassed in front of the prom queen.
9. Hang on to your resentments. They fuel your attack. They fuel the battle cry of your deadly and dangerous and quiet battle soldiers.
10. Look fear right down the barrel.
11. The only thing you should be addicted to is winning.



The Four Hour Work Week

Timothy Ferriss, The Four Hour Work WeekCreator: Timothy Ferriss and published as a book, The Four Hour Work Week .

Purpose: Have us rethink our 9-5 Monday to Friday, live for the weekend deferred lifestyle.


Tim Ferriss’ book title is a great manifesto snapshot:

The Four Hour Work Week : Escape the 9-5, live anywhere and join the new rich.

Ferriss calls for an end to:

  • The 40 hour work week
  • The live for the weekend culture that works five days then has only two days off
  • And an end to the live-to-work deferred lifestyle. Why work the best years of your life? Why die waiting to retire? Or why retire and be too old to do anything?

Tim’s deal is er… TIM’s DEAL. He identifies three lifestyle currencies that you need to manage to live your ideal lifestyle:

  1. Time (Non-renewable)
  2. Income
  3. Mobility

And he has identified four ranked, intra-dependent steps:

  1. Define : Define your ideal lifestyle.
  2. Eliminate : Eliminate everything extraneous.
  3. Automate : Build an automatic, sustainable source of income.
  4. Liberate : Be mobile and free yourself from your location.


Book Website: http://www.fourhourworkweek.com/
For a great summary of Ferris’ manifesto, grab the Book Rapper issue The Four Hour JOLT!


Remote Year Values – living and working remotely while holding down your job and building you career

Manifesto for Smarter Working (remote work in organisations)

Haydn Shaughnessy – The New Work Manifesto (addressing the lack of engagement in the workplace)

Christopher Richards: The Slow Movement

Cup of Tea - Geoff McDonald

Creator: Christopher Richards
Purpose: As a counterpoint to the increasing pace of life, slow the world down…


There are those who urge us to speed.

We resist!

We shall not flag or fail.

We shall slow down in the office, and on the roads.

We  shall slow down with growing confidence when all those around us are in a shrill state of hyperactivity (signifying nothing).

We shall defend our state of calm, whatever the cost may be.

We shall slow down in the fields and in the streets, we shall slow down in the hills, we shall never surrender!?

If you can slow down when all around you are speeding up, then you’re one of us.

Be proud that you are one of us and not one of them.

For they are fast, and we are slow.

If a thing is worth doing, it is worth doing slowly.

Some are born to slowness—others have it thrust upon them.

And still others know that lying in bed with a morning cup of tea is the supreme state for mankind.


The Slow Movement: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slow_Movement

The Slow Manifesto: http://slowdownnow.org/

Photo: Geoff McDonald

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