
Mike Mills: Human’s Manifesto

Mike Mills Human Manifesto

Creator: Designer, Mike Mills

Purpose: A collection of four Humans Manifestos

Humans Manifesto

No plan survives first contact with the enemy.

Sometimes being dumb is the only smart alternative.

Shy people are secretly egoists.

Nothing is real.

Everything you see is a dream you project onto the world.

Children live out their parents unconscious.

The only animals that suffer from anxiety are the ones that associate with humans.

I don’t trust people who are very articulate.

The only way to be sane is to embrace your insanity.

When you feel guilty about being sad, remember Walt Disney was a manic depressive.

Everything I said, could be totally wrong.



Marvin Gaye: What’s Going On

Marvin Gaye Whats Going On

Creator: Marvin Gaye’s music album What’s Going On was released in 1971 by Tamla Records. The single What’s Going On was co-written by Al Cleveland, Obie Benson and Marvin Gaye.

Purpose: The song was written to raise political awareness of the effects of the Vietnam War.


Mother, mother

There’s too many of you crying

Brother, brother, brother

There’s far too many of you dying

You know we’ve got to find a way

To bring some lovin’ here today – Ya


Father, father

We don’t need to escalate

You see, war is not the answer

For only love can conquer hate

You know we’ve got to find a way

To bring some lovin’ here today


Picket lines and picket signs

Don’t punish me with brutality

Talk to me, so you can see

Oh, what’s going on

What’s going on

Ya, what’s going on

Ah, what’s going on


In the mean time

Right on, baby

Right on

Right on


Father, father, everybody thinks we’re wrong

Oh, but who are they to judge us

Simply because our hair is long

Oh, you know we’ve got to find a way

To bring some understanding here today



Picket lines and picket signs

Don’t punish me with brutality

Talk to me

So you can see

What’s going on

Ya, what’s going on

Tell me what’s going on

I’ll tell you what’s going on – Uh

Right on baby

Right on baby




Related Song Manifestos


Shawna Malvini Redden, Wedding Manifesto

Wedding Manifesto

Creator: Shawna Malvini Redden, Wedding Manifesto, aka the guide to anti-bridezilla-ness

Purpose: Create a reference for planning and designing the ideal wedding.

Shawna’s Wedding Manifesto

1. It is “our” wedding. Not “my” wedding (Shawna) or “your” wedding (Tim).

2. The purpose of our wedding is to celebrate our relationship with family and friends, and to kick off our new life together. It is NOT:

  • To spend a ton of money on ONE day or many trivial details.
  • To impress people.
  • To make anyone else’s dreams come true.

3. The most important parts of our wedding should be:

  • Celebrating our relationship and commitment to each other in front of God and everyone!
  • Making memories that will last a lifetime.
  • Having a damn fun time doing i. and ii.

4. The things I care most about in terms of the actual wedding are:

  • A meaningful location that doesn’t cost a lot
  • Having the people I care about there
  • EXCELLENT photogs
  • Damn good food
  • Everyone having a good time

5. The things I care about less include:

  • A freaking expensive dress
  • Music
  • A full dinner that would preclude inviting everyone I love and care about
  • Decorations, etc.
  • Cake

6. We will NOT:

  • Overextend ourselves financially to pay for the wedding
  • Compromise our relationship or our values to satisfy the desires of others
  • Let family strife, if any, interfere with our big day

7. I will NOT:

  • Talk about weddings non-stop until T’s head pops off
  • Get so stressed out that our relationship is adversely affected

8. We will:

  • Feel special (Shawna)
  • Feel proud (T)

9. Things I do not want to see at the wedding (a slight bridezilla deviation):

  • Tulle
  • Any form of bunting
  • Fake flowers


Blog Post:



Cauchy Complete: Scrappy Quilt Manifesto

Creator: Cauchy Complete, blogger

Purpose: Guidelines for Scrappy Quilt Design.

The Scraptacularity Manifesto

• I believe that one ought to use every last piece of fabric. Nothing goes to waste.

• I believe that no scrap is too precious to slice and dice, although some cute fussy-cuts can capture my heart.

• I believe that one need not confine a quilt’s palette to one designer’s fabric line, although sometimes that’s pretty fun to do.

• I believe that a quilt’s color palette need not be limited at all, although sometimes that’s exactly what you want to do.

• I believe in (carefully) mixing fabrics (cottons, silks, linens, etc) and textures.

• I believe in careful, sound construction, although the appearance might be delightfully wonky.

• I believe in squaring-up often and using steam when pressing.

• I believe in simplicity among chaos.



Manifesto Blog Post:


The Yoga Liberation Yoga Manifesto

Yoga Manifesto

Creator: Yoga Dawg

Purpose: Liberate Yoga!

Yoga Manifesto

Yoga is not the privilege of the young, the flexible, the rich, the famous, the beautiful.

Yoga is not a business! It is not a hobby!

Yoga is cheap and available to everyone. It is renewable, biodegradable, energy efficient, smoke free and clean.

It is NOT found in any yoga style. It does not belong to famous yoga stars!

Yoga is like food! In that is it pre-digested, fat free, sugar free and free range.

Yoga is not an escape, a destination, a means to an end or a dead end.

It is not found in ancient yoga texts or modern yoga pop magazines or yoga blogs!

Yoga is color in a black and white world.

Yoga cannot be televised, pre-recorded, idolised, steam cleaned, streamed, ripped, burned, scanned or found in a chat room.

Yoga is like the air. It is light and breezy: non-polluted and pollen free.

Yoga sings the body electric and shouts hallelujah.


Blog Post:

Leo Babauta: Simple Living Manifesto

Leo Babauta Simple Living ManifestoCreator: Leo Babauta, author of the popular blog Zen Habits and the book The Power of Less

Purpose: Zen Habits is about finding simplicity in the daily chaos of our lives. It’s about clearing the clutter so we can focus on what’s important, create something amazing, find happiness.

Simple Living Manifesto

The Short List

For the cynics who say that the list below is too long, there are really only two steps to simplifying:

1. Identify what’s most important to you.

2. Eliminate everything else.

Of course, that’s not terribly useful unless you can see how to apply that to different areas of your life, so I present to you the Long List.

The Long List

There can be no step-by-step guide to simplifying your life, but I’ve compiled an incomplete list of ideas that should help anyone trying to find the simple life. Not every tip will work for you — choose the ones that appeal and apply to your life.

1. Make a list of your top 4-5 important things.

2. Evaluate your commitments.

3. Evaluate your time.

4. Simplify work tasks.

5. Simplify home tasks.

6. Learn to say no.

7. Limit your communications.

8. Limit your media consumption.

9. Purge your stuff.

10. Get rid of the big items.

11. Edit your rooms.

12. Edit closets and drawers.

13. Simplify your wardrobe.

14. Simplify your computing life.

15. Declutter your digital packrattery.

16. Create a simplicity statement.

17. Limit your buying habits.

18. Free up time.

19. Do what you love.

20. Spend time with people you love.

21. Spend time alone.

22. Eat slowly.

23. Drive slowly.

24. Be present.

25. Streamline your life.

26. Create a simple mail & paperwork system.

27. Create a simple system for house work.

28. Clear your desk.

29. Establish routines.

30. Keep your email inbox empty.

31. Learn to live frugally.

32. Make your house minimalist.

33. Find other ways to be minimalist.

34. Consider a smaller home.

35. Consider a smaller car.

36. Learn what “enough” is.

37. Create a simple weekly dinner menu.

38. Eat healthy.

39. Exercise.

40. Declutter before organizing.

41. Have a place for everything.

42. Find inner simplicity.

43. Learn to decompress from stress.

44. Try living without a car.

45. Find a creative outlet for self-expression.

46. Simplify your goals.

47. Single-task.

48. Simplify your filing system.

49. Develop equanimity.

50. Reduce your consumption of advertising.

51. Live life more deliberately.

52. Make a Most Important Tasks (MITs) list each day.

53. Create morning and evening routines.

54. Create a morning writing ritual.

55. Learn to do nothing.

56. Read Walden, by Thoreau.

57. Go for quality, not quantity.

58. Read Simplify Your Life, by Elaine St. James.

59. Fill your day with simple pleasures.

60. Simplify your RSS feeds.

61. But subscribe to Unclutterer.

62. Create an easy-to-maintain yard.

63. Carry less stuff.

64. Simplify your online life.

65. Strive to automate your income.

66. Simplify your budget.

67. Simplify your financial life.

68. Learn to pack light.

69. Use a minimalist productivity system.

70. Leave space around things in your day.

71. Live closer to work.

72. Always ask: Will this simplify my life?


Blog Post:


?Related Manifestos

Renewable UK Cymru: Renewable Energy Manifesto

Renewable Energy Manifesto

Creator: RenewableUK Cymru is a part of the UK’s leading renewable energy trade association and represents the wind and marine renewables industries in Wales.

Purpose: This manifesto sets out what the industry believes is required to help achieve renewable energy targets, so that Wales becomes more sustainable.

Renewable Energy Manifesto – Key Targets 2011


1. Meet (in full) 2010 renewable energy targets as soon as possible, by providing leadership and facilitating the removal of obstacles.

2. Commit to achieving new renewable energy targets set by the Low Carbon Revolution Policy Statement, by fully exploiting renewable energy technologies, including mature technologies such as onshore wind that are ready and waiting to be deployed.

Economic, Environmental and Social Contribution

1. Commit funds and support to develop Welsh ports.

2. Focus business support on renewables investment.

3. Standardise Welsh route-of-entry for skills training.

4. Work with industry to establish minimum requirements for community benefit funds.

Onshore Wind

1. Produce onshore delivery plan, with WAG taking a visible lead to deliver policy.

2. Revisit TAN 8, protecting existing development areas, whilst identifying new areas.

3. Show clear planning assumption in favour of proposed developments within SSA’s.

4. Do not allow major changes to identified boundaries.

5. Provide resources and support tools from WAG (e.g. senior official) to help LPA’s deliver “local” schemes.

6. Transfer any further devolved powers to WAG rather than LPA’s.

7. Decision on associated development powers to be called in by WAG.

Offshore Wind

1. Produce offshore wind delivery plan showing how WAG can assist the commissioning of offshore wind farms.

2. Sustainability Committee to scrutinise Minister and industry as to the rate of offshore energy delivery.

3. Ensure that MCZ’s do not unnecessarily impair or restrict capacity of marine renewable energy sites.

4. WAG Marine Unit to be adequately resourced and have the necessary expertise.

Wave and Tidal

1. Produce delivery plan showing how to achieve ambitious WAG targets for wave and tidal technologies.

2. Explore possibilities to introduce alternative marine technologies in the Severn Estuary.

3. Leasing round to be brought forward by The Crown Estate for wave and tidal areas.

4. Ensure adequate resources and expertise for WAG Marine Unit.

5. Maximise EU funds for R&D and for testing sites for marine renewable technologies.


Press Release:

Download Manifesto:

Related Manifestos

British National Party: Scottish Election Manifesto

British National Party Scottish Election Manifesto

Creator: British National Party’s Scottish Election Manifesto.

Purpose: Outline of their policies and positions for the upcoming 2011 election.

Scottish Election Manifesto – Selected Examples

Civil Rights: work to end restrictions on free speech and vigorously defend the right to freedom of assembly. Will work to restore the integrity of government organisations in their handling and security of personal details and the data of individuals.

Housing: Take back under direct democratic control any public sector housing that has been disposed to housing corporations or housing associations.

Health: Ensure that the health service is controlled by the local authorities and run on a day-to-day basis by experienced medical staff rather than by target-obsessed managers.

Education: Advocates a degree of local influence over local education policy.

Crime and Policing: Opposes the installation of CCTV cameras in our communities and all aspects of the surveillance state.

Business: Wants to ensure the survival of the traditional trades and crafts that have been passed down through the centuries. The rural/urban divide in access to the latest technology must be bridged.

Transport: Recognise the need to deal with the fast-growing challenge of global oil depletion, by a long-term programme to improve the reach, frequency and attractiveness of public transport.

Foods and Farming: Create an Organic Foods Advisory body to accelerate the switch to organic methods of food production.


Article and Full Manifesto: