Manifestos for Publicity Officer

Manifestos For Publicity Officer

Creator: Amyrose Dempsey and Csilla Merenyi, candidates for Publicity Officer at the University of Portsmouth Students’ Union Film and Photo Society

Purpose: An election manifesto declaring why one should vote for me!

Manifestos for Publicity Officer

Amyrose Dempsey and Csilla Merenyi are running for Publicity Officer.

Amyrose Dempsey’s manifesto:

My name is Amyrose Dempsey and i am a second year fine art student, and i belong to many societies including this one. I would like to put myself forward for publicity officer because i am very interested in publicity, and i love this society so it goes hand in hand really.

I feel that i would do a great job and i would have so much fun doing it. I would like to do many things to promote the society. I would like to promote via Pugwash, with small inserts about the society and what we get upto, also i would like to arrange an exhibition so that we can show portsmouth what we can do!!

This year i was Head of Design for Pugwash magazine, publicity officer for Pagan society and vice president of MIG soc. Whilst publicity officer of Pagan society, i liased with all of the other faith societies and helped arrange the faith mixer, along with integrating meetings with them all. Holding these positions helped me make friends, and also helped me step outside the box, it was a new experience that i enjoyed and i would like to enjoy again.

I think you should vote for me because i would do a great job, i love to get involved and i would love for you guys to give me a chance.


Csilla Merenyi’s manifesto:

I’m a Psychology student at the University of Portsmouth and I’m very keen on amateur photography.

My wish is to become a Publicity Officer at the university’s PhotoSoc as I really have enjoyed my first year being a part of this group and I wouldn’t want the society to stop running. I have many ideas how our society could be advertised and I also know why people would be interested in joining us – photography helps you not only to capture your best moments but also to learn more about technology or even art. Many people are lurking around university focusing only on their studies or being lost as a fresher and I would love to reach out to them offering this creative way to make new friends.

As a ’psychologist’ I would definitely bring my knowledge of connecting people to the society. I love spotting the ‘outcasts’ and engaging in conversations with them so they would feel more confident to join group activities.

I haven’t got any experience in advertising but I have been fortunate enough to be on Hungarian television twice as a child. My most recent job was to work as a cashier during the summer of 2009 which was a result of being a waitress at the same tea house during the summer of 2008 in Hungary. In 2007, I worked as a marketing assisstant during the summer holiday, which helped me to develop cooperational skills and let experience life in a real office environment.

People should vote for me because I tend to be very creative and passionate when I feel that someone is counting on me; when I feel I have the power to change things for the better. I think communication is a key to any kind of progress in life and I enjoy every kinds of it from a casual chat with mates to sending a message through a metaphor in literature or art. I think advertising the Film and Photo Society would be the greatest way to connect like-minded people.



The Pirate Press: No Google Manifesto

Creator: Alex Dearmond, Graphic Designer, Publisher and Assistant Professor of Graphic Design at the University of Wisconsin – Stout.

Purpose: A rebellion against the use of computers and a return to zine-making by hand.

Made-By-Hand, No Google Manifesto

No Google Manifesto


Alex Dearmond:



Joseph Jaffe: The Customer Service Manifesto

The Customer Service Manifesto

Creator: Joseph Jaffe is Chief Interruptor of Powered and the author of three books, including Join the Conversation and Flip The Funnel.

Purpose: Customer Service has become “…one of the most mission critical components that can make or break a business. The Manifesto for Customer Service documents this sea change, introduces 10 new rules of customer service and introduces a key hypothesis namely that customer service needs to be elevated to the front office…” (from the manifesto, p2)

Manifesto – Ten New Rules of Customer Service

(key points only)

  1. Customer service doesn’t end at 5pm on Friday.
  2. Move from ‘everything communicates’ to ‘everyone communicates’.
  3. All customers are equal, but some are more equal than others.
  4. Customer service is not only about solving problems.
  5. Customer service lives ‘in the now’.
  6. Customer service can be a revenue generator.
  7. Customer service lives in the public domain.
  8. Customer service needs a memory.
  9. Customer service needs to be proactive and anticipatory.
  10. Customer service is alive.


Download the complete Manifesto:

Author’s Blog:

Related Manifestos

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Bruce Mau: Incomplete Manifesto For Growth

Bruce Mau: Incomplete Manifesto for Growth

Creator: Bruce Mau of Bruce Mau Design, a Toronto design and innovation studio centre on purpose and optimism

Purpose: Statements that display Bruce’s beliefs, strategies and motivations in approaching design projects.

Incomplete Manifesto For Growth

(key points only)

  1. Allow events to change you
  2. Forget about good
  3. Process is more important than outcome
  4. Love your experiments (as you would an ugly child)
  5. Go deep
  6. Capture accidents
  7. Study
  8. Drift
  9. Begin anywhere
  10. Everyone is a leader
  11. Harvest ideas
  12. Keep moving
  13. Slow down
  14. Don’t be cool
  15. Ask stupid questions
  16. Collaborate
  17. ____________
  18. Stay up late
  19. Work the metaphor
  20. Be careful to take risks
  21. Repeat yourself
  22. Make your own tools
  23. Stand on someone’s shoulders
  24. Avoid software
  25. Don’t clean your desk
  26. Don’t enter awards competitions
  27. Read only left-hand pages
  28. Make new words
  29. Think with your mind
  30. Organization = Liberty
  31. Don’t borrow money
  32. Listen carefully
  33. Take field trips
  34. Make mistakes faster
  35. Imitate
  36. Scat
  37. Break it, stretch it, bend it, crush it, crack it, fold it
  38. Explore the other edge
  39. Coffee breaks, cab rides, green rooms
  40. Avoid fields
  41. Laugh
  42. Remember
  43. Power to the people


Image and More Complete Manifesto with descriptions of each point:



Simple Shoes Manifesto

Creator: Simple Shoes – shoe geeks making a new shoe-topia!

Purpose: 100% sustainable shoes for a Happy Planet

Simple Shoes Manifesto

With all the over-built, over-hyped products out there, it’s pretty hard to ?nd sustainable shoes that you can live with. So we started Simple, your stereotypical, anti-stereotype brand offering good shoes and a big dose of reality.

About a gazillion pairs later… give or take a few… we’ve managed to learn a few things. Well, actually a lot of things. And none more important than this: HOW we make our shoes is just as important as WHY we make them. That means finding more sustainable ways of doing business so we can make a gazillion more.

Which pretty much is where we are today… at the crossroads of here and now, aware of our responsibility to the planet while trying to pay the bills. The nice little shoe company getting in touch with its inner hippie.

Simple Shoes Manifesto


About Us:


Video Story:

Mozilla: The Mozilla Manifesto

Mozilla Manifesto

Creator: Mozilla is a global, non-profit open-source software building organisation that is best known for creating the web browser Firefox

Purpose: To ensure the Internet is developed in a way that benefits everyone. The principles in this manifesto are seen to be critical for the Internet to continue to benefit the public good.

The Mozilla Manifesto


The goals for the Manifesto are to:

  1. Articulate a vision for the Internet that Mozilla participants want the Mozilla Foundation to pursue;
  2. Speak to people whether or not they have a technical background;
  3. Make Mozilla contributors proud of what we’re doing and motivate us to continue; and
  4. Provide a framework for other people to advance this vision of the Internet.

These principles will not come to life on their own. People are needed to make the Internet open and participatory – people acting as individuals, working together in groups, and leading others. The Mozilla Foundation is committed to advancing the principles set out in the Mozilla Manifesto. We invite others to join us and make the Internet an ever better place for everyone.


  1. The Internet is an integral part of modern life–a key component in education, communication, collaboration, business, entertainment and society as a whole.
  2. The Internet is a global public resource that must remain open and accessible.
  3. The Internet should enrich the lives of individual human beings.
  4. Individuals’ security on the Internet is fundamental and cannot be treated as optional.
  5. Individuals must have the ability to shape their own experiences on the Internet.
  6. The effectiveness of the Internet as a public resource depends upon interoperability (protocols, data formats, content), innovation and decentralized participation worldwide.
  7. Free and open source software promotes the development of the Internet as a public resource.
  8. Transparent community-based processes promote participation, accountability, and trust.
  9. Commercial involvement in the development of the Internet brings many benefits; a balance between commercial goals and public benefit is critical.
  10. Magnifying the public benefit aspects of the Internet is an important goal, worthy of time, attention and commitment.

Mozilla Foundation Pledge

The Mozilla Foundation pledges to support the Mozilla Manifesto in its activities. Specifically, we will:

  • Build and enable open-source technologies and communities that support the Manifesto’s principles;
  • Build and deliver great consumer products that support the Manifesto’s principles;
  • Use the Mozilla assets (intellectual property such as copyrights and trademarks, infrastructure, funds, and reputation) to keep the Internet an open platform;
  • Promote models for creating economic value for the public benefit; and
  • Promote the Mozilla Manifesto principles in public discourse and within the Internet industry.

Some Foundation activities–currently the creation, delivery and promotion of consumer products–are conducted primarily through the Mozilla Foundation’s wholly owned subsidiary, the Mozilla Corporation.


The Mozilla Foundation invites all others who support the principles of the Mozilla Manifesto to join with us, and to find new ways to make this vision of the Internet a reality.


Manifesto Page:

About Mozilla: