Creator: Peter Armstrong is the Co-founder of Leanpub and Ruboss. He is also the author of several books including Lean Publishing.
Purpose: Books and writing are changing. And given most books are written in isolation or in stealth it is easy to write a book that nobody wants to buy/read. The Lean Publishing Manifesto suggests a way around this.
Manifesto (highlights)
Lean Publishing is the act of self-publishing a book while you are writing it, evolving the book with feedback from your readers and finishing a first draft before using the traditional publishing workflow, with or without a publisher.
In short: Lean Publishing is the act of self-publishing an in-progress book.
The Lean Publishing How-To Guide for Non-Fiction
Step 1: Blog and Tweet to Find Your Voice and Build An Audience
Step 2: Write the Minimum Viable Book
What’s a Minimum Viable Book? It’s the smallest in-progress subset of your book that you could sell and be able to claim with a straight face that it is worth the money right now.
Step 3: Start Marketing and Selling the In-Progress Minimum Viable Book
Step 4: Finish the First Draft with Constant Feedback from your Readers
Step 5: Polish, Market and Sell the Completed Book, Possibly with a Traditional Publisher
Complete Article and Manifesto