The Ten Commandments

Holy Bible - Christianity and Judaism

Creator: Published in the Bible and said to be spoken by God to the people of Israel.
Purpose: A moral foundation and guide for living in Judaism and Christianity.


The Roman Catholic, Lutheran, Jewish (Talmudic), Anglican and Orthodox Christians have slightly different versions of the Ten Commandments. This a combination of these versions.

  1. I am the Lord your God
  2. You shall have no other gods before me / You shall not make for yourself an idol
  3. Do not take the name of the Lord in vain
  4. Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy
  5. Honour your father and mother
  6. You shall not kill / murder
  7. You shall not commit adultery
  8. You shall not steal
  9. You shall not bear witness against your neighbour
  10. You shall not covet your neighbour’s wife / You shall not covet anything that belongs to your neighbour


Genesis: The Bible Creation Story

Holy Bible - Christianity and Judaism

Creator: The work of many people over many centuries.
Purpose: A manifesto that explains the way the world was created and the role of man and woman in that world. It becomes a framework for living for followers of Judaism or Christianity.


The Creation Story Summary:

The seven steps in which God created with world…

  • Day 1 – God created light and separated the light from the darkness, calling light “day” and darkness “night.”
  • Day 2 – God created an expanse to separate the waters and called it “sky.”
  • Day 3 – God created the dry ground and gathered the waters, calling the dry ground “land,” and the gathered waters “seas.” On day three, God also created vegetation (plants and trees).
  • Day 4 – God created the sun, moon, and the stars to give light to the earth and to govern and separate the day and the night. These would also serve as signs to mark seasons, days, and years.
  • Day 5 – God created every living creature of the seas and every winged bird, blessing them to multiply and fill the waters and the sky with life.
  • Day 6 – God created the animals to fill the earth. On day six, God also created man and woman (Adam and Eve) in his own image to commune with him. He blessed them and gave them every creature and the whole earth to rule over, care for, and cultivate.
  • Day 7 – God had finished his work of creation and so he rested on the seventh day, blessing it and making it holy.




Scripture Reference: Genesis 1:1-2:3