Creator: Microsoft Security Response Center is a division of Microsoft that investigates thousands of security reports every year to determine if a flaw results from one of their products.
Purpose: Microsoft Security Response Center investigates thousands of security reports every year. Not all real security problems result from product flaws. The most likely list of issues have been collated below.
Manifesto: 10 Immutable Laws of Security
Law #1: If a bad guy can persuade you to run his program on your computer, it’s not your computer anymore
Law #2: If a bad guy can alter the operating system on your computer, it’s not your computer anymore
Law #3: If a bad guy has unrestricted physical access to your computer, it’s not your computer anymore
Law #4: If you allow a bad guy to upload programs to your website, it’s not your website any more
Law #5: Weak passwords trump strong security
Law #6: A computer is only as secure as the administrator is trustworthy
Law #7: Encrypted data is only as secure as the decryption key
Law #8: An out of date virus scanner is only marginally better than no virus scanner at all
Law #9: Absolute anonymity isn’t practical, in real life or on the Web
Law #10: Technology is not a panacea
Complete descriptions and full manifesto