Sally Mabelle: From Separation to Connection

Sally Mabelle : Voice of Leadership

Creator: Sally Mabelle, ‘the voice of leadership specialist’

Purpose: To empower you to find and express your own ‘voice of leadership’ – particularly in business.

Manifesto (selected highlights)

It’s the same problem in your family, your community, your organisation, and the world…your biggest problem is a sense of SEPARATION. This sense of separation or ‘disconnection from the whole’ is an illusion. Science has proven that all energy in the universe is interconnected. The essence of every atom is the same – pure energy. We are all at the core that same energy in different forms.

Five Levels of Separation

1. Individual
2. Relationships
3. Community
4. Organisations
5. World

The future we must create together instead is a world of ONENESS.

7 keys to experience the power of ‘connection’

1. Be here now
2. Assume responsibility for yourself at all times
3. Seek to empathise and understand
4. Build trust
5. Speak the truth with compassion
6. Collaborate
7. Appreciate,celebrate, and honour the cycles and the seasons


The complete Manifesto:

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